quinta-feira, 11 de abril de 2013

O que pensará disso Reinaldo Azevedo? Polícia inglesa se prepara para festas de celebração durante a procissão fúnebre de Tatcher

Entre a mídia tupiniquim um dos mais chorosos foi Reinaldo Azevedo que até escreveu sobre as virtudes incomensuráveis de Margareth Tatcher. Pois a matéria abaixo publicada pelo jornal inglês "The Independent" dá conta do nervosismo que toma conta da polícia de Londres por causa da quase certeza de que a procissão fúnebre de Margareth Tatcher que ocorrerá neste próximo domingo será interrompida por festas de celebração por sua morte ao longo da sua morte.

Por causa disso medidas estão sendo tomadas para assegurar que a área onde o velório ocorrerá, a Praça de Trafalgar, não seja tomada pelos manifestantes em festa. Além disso, o trajeto da procissão deverá ser cercado para impedir que as festas interrompam a passagem do cortejo fúnebre.

O idealizador da festa pela morte de Margareth Tatcher ainda em 1994, Ian Bonner, foi contactado pela polícia para uma negociação que permita que as festas não atrapalhem o cortejo.  Bonner disse ao The Independent que não tem nada a ver com a organização das festas que estão sendo planejadas, mas que não há jeito da polícia contê-las. Em última instância os celebrantes vão lotar os pubs nas imediações para encher a cara e festejar a morte de Tatcher.

Aliás, a polícia prometeu que não vai usar balas de borracha ou canhões de água para conter as festas.

E ai, o que estará pensando disso Reinaldo Azevedo e sua patota?

Police fear ‘death parties’ will disrupt Margaret Thatcher’s funeral procession

But officers rule out the use of rubber bullets and water cannon in the event of any trouble

Senior police and politicians are meeting tonight to finalise details for the funeral of former Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher after fears surfaced that the procession would be disrupted by parties celebrating her death.

The Metropolitan Police confirmed that they were meeting with representatives from Number 10 and the Home Office, as well as their counterparts at the City of London Police, to put the finishing touches to a plan that has been years in the making.

An event celebrating Mrs Thatcher's death is planned for Saturday evening at Trafalgar Square, the scene of arguably the worst rioting of her tenure as Prime Minister. And there have been reports that the funeral procession itself will be disrupted by those who opposed Mrs Thatcher.

The police have said they are determined to protect the rights of those wishing to pay their respects, as well as those of the people wishing to hold parties but officers ruled out the use of rubber bullets and water cannon in the event of any trouble.

Ian Bone, founder of Class War, the now defunct group which first called for a party to mark Mrs Thatcher's death in 1994, said that the parties would go on regardless of police tactics.

He said: “If they try to stop it, it will just take place as near as possible to Trafalgar Square. If they block one road, we will go up another. If they decide to close Trafalgar Square down, we will head up the Strand. They can block off whatever they like and it will happen in the streets round about,”

He added that he believed the disruption to the former Prime Minister's funeral would be minimal but was being blown out of proportion to provide an excuse to shut down Saturday night's events.

He said: “I know of no one who is planning to hold any type of protest on Wednesday. I think they are trying to big that up in order to crack down on Saturday.

”No one knows how many are coming to Trafalgar Square, I think it has taken the authorities by surprise. I don't think they knew about it, I think the police thought it would be just 30 or 40 of the usual anarchist suspects. It is only later that they realised it would be much bigger.“

Letters and emails have been sent to those the police believe to be organisers of the two events calling on them to enter into a dialogue with officers, in order to facilitate their demonstrations. But Mr Bone, who received a note despite his claim not to be directly involved in organising Saturday's event, said: ”The problem they have is that it is a party, not a demonstration or a march.

“So, it will just go on in the pubs if it cannot go on in the streets; that is what happened after the poll tax riot. It will be big and boisterous.”

Asked about the possible deployment of rubber bullets and water cannon, a spokesman for the Metropolitan Police said: “We have no plans to utilise such equipment.” The fears of disruption follow similar parties hours after Mrs Thatcher died on Monday. Detractors gathered in Glasgow and Brixton in south London to mark her passing.